
This class implements Page Counter Component in C#.

Page Counter Component for .NET creates a PageCounter object that counts and displays the number of times a Web page has been opened.

All counters are stored in a single text file, PageCounter.txt, which is located in the IIS root directory. Generally it is in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot directory.

For the details about Page Counter Component, please refer to the IIS hlep of Microsoft.

Following is the nce.mswc.PageCounter class reference.

Methods Description
Hits Displays the number of times that a specified URL has been opened.
PageHit Increments the Hit Count.
Reset Sets the hit count for a specified page to 0.
Set Sets the value of the counter to a specific integer.


The following example displays a different tip of the day each time a user views the Web page.

    Set MyPageCounter = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.PageCounter")  
    HitMe = MyPageCounter.Hits
    If HitMe = 1000000 Then 
    You are the lucky 1,000,000th Customer!!! <BR>
  <% Else %>
    Sorry, you are customer #<%= HitMe %> <BR>
  <% End If %>

ASP2ASPX will convert above codes to following:

      Dim MyPageCounter As nce.mswc.PageCounter  
      Dim HitMe As Integer  
      MyPageCounter = new nce.mswc.PageCounter()
      HitMe = MyPageCounter.Hits()
      If HitMe = 1000000 Then 
    You are the lucky 1,000,000th Customer!!! <BR>
    Sorry, you are customer #<%= HitMe %> <BR>     
      End IF