Migrates from VBScript Statements to C#

ASP2ASPX can migrate from the VBScript Statements to C# directly.

Please see following table that lists the VBScript and C# statements:

VBScript 5.6 Statements C#
Call (Removed)
Class class
Const const
Dim private/public/protected
Do...Loop do ... while
Erase = null
Execute *
ExecuteGlobal *
Exit return / break
For Each...Next foreach..in
For...Next for ...
Function C# function
If...Then...Else if ... else ..
On Error *
Option Explicit (Removed)
Private private
Property Get C# property get
Property Let C# proprety set
Property Set C# property set
Public public
Randomize Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBMath.Randomize
ReDim = new array[]
Rem //
Select Case switch ... case ...
Set C# assignment
Sub void
While...Wend while..
With (Removed)

* Don't support these statements.