How to run ASP2ASPX ?

After you install ASP2ASPX, a shortcut of ASP2ASPX has been placed on Desktop. You can double click it to run ASP2ASPX.

The following picture shows ASP2ASPX window.

1. Mark the options

The options on above window are described below:



VBScript to C#

Convert VBScript to C#

VBScript to VB.NET

Convert VBScript to VB.NET


Convert ASP to the code inline page


Convert ASP to the code behind page


If you check this option, ASP2ASPX will convert the original ADO to a .NET assembly (RCW), and continue to use ADODB in ASP.NET codes.

ADO to nce.ADOOle  

Migrate from ADODB to nceADO.NET using OLEDB.NET Data Provider.

Please change the connection string of database according to OLEDB.NET Data Provider, following is the connection string sample:

MS-Access : "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=d:\test\test.mdb;"

SQL Server: "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=MySQLServer;Initial Catalog=Northwind;User Id=sa;Password=;"

ADO to nce.ADOSql

Migrate from ADODB to nceADO.NET using SQL Server.NET Data Provider.

Please change the connection string of the database as following:

"Data Source=MySQLServer;Initial Catalog=Northwind;User Id=user1;Password=pwd1;"

ADO to nce.ADOOra  

Migrate from ADODB to nceADO.NET using the .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle.

Please change the connection string of the database as following:

"Data Source=MyOracleServer;User Id=user1;Password=pwd1;"

Html to XHtml

Convert Html codes to XHtml.

2. Select a virtual path of IIS and right click, then you will see the following window:

3. Click 'Convert' menu, the follow dialogue will display:

A. Output Directory:

Please input a destination path for placing the aspx file generated by ASP2ASPX.

Note: In order to avoid rewriting the original INCLUDED and HTML files, the Output directory must be different from the 'ASP Path'.

B. Namespace:

Input a namespace for the code behind page. It is optional.

C. Convert

Click on the 'Convert' button to convert ASP to ASP.NET.

4. Generate Migration report for your ASP application.