Active Data Object(ADO) Supported

Note: J-ASP ADO is based on JDBC2.0 driver or higher.


Property Supported
Attributes Yes
CommandTimeout Yes
ConnectionString Yes
ConnectionTimeout Yes
CursorLocation Yes
DefaultDatabase No
IsolationLevel No
Mode No
Provider Yes
State Yes
Version Yes
Method Supported
BeginTrans Yes
CommitTrans Yes
RollbackTrans Yes
Execute Yes
Unsupport the following parameters:
Open Yes
OpenSchema Yes
Unsupport the following parameters:


Property Supported
Count Yes
Method Supported
Item Yes
Refresh No


Property Supported
Description Yes
HelpContext No
HelpFile No
NativeError Yes
Number Yes
Source Yes
SQLState Yes


Property Supported
ActiveConnection Yes
AbsolutePosition Yes
AbsolutePage Yes
Bookmark Yes
CacheSize Yes
CursorLocation Yes
CursorType Yes
EditMode Yes
Filter Yes
Unsupport the following parameters:
LockType Yes
MarshalOptions No
MaxRecords Yes
PageCount Yes
PageSize Yes
RecordCount Yes
Source Yes
State Yes
Status No
Method Supported
AddNew Yes
CancelBatch Yes
CancelUpdate Yes
Clone Yes
Find Yes
Cancel No
GetString Yes
CompareBookmarks Yes
Save Yes
Delete Yes
Unsupport the following parameters:
GetRows Yes
MoveFirst Yes
MoveLast Yes
MovePrevious Yes
MoveNext Yes
Move Yes
NextRecordset Yes
UpdateBatch Yes
Unsupport the following parameters:
Update Yes
Supports Yes
Resync Yes
Unsupport the following parameters:  adAffectGroup
Requery Yes
Open Yes


Property Supported
Count Yes
Method Supported
Item Yes
Refresh No
Append Yes
Delete Yes


Property Supported
Attributes No
ActualSize Yes
Name Yes
NumericScale Yes
DefinedSize Yes
OriginalValue Yes
Precision Yes
Type Yes
UnderlyingValue Yes
Value Yes
Method Supported
AppendChunk Yes
GetChunk Yes


Property Supported
ActiveConnection Yes
CommandText Yes
CommandTimeout Yes
CommandType Yes
Name Yes
Prepared No
State Yes
Method Supported
CreateParameter Yes
Execute Yes


Property Supported
Count Yes
Method Supported
Item Yes
Refresh Yes
Append Yes
Delete Yes


Property Supported
Attributes No
Direction Yes
Name Yes
NumericScale Yes
Precision Yes
Size Yes
Type Yes
Value Yes
Method Supported
AppendChunk Yes


  Unsupport the collection in current version.


  Unsupport the Object in current version.