J-ASP NewMail

J-ASP NewMail object provides for sending a message with very few lines of code. It is compatible with CDONTS NewMail object.  


NewMail is based on Sun's Java Mail API, please set Sun's mail.jar and activation.jar to the classpath.

Simple NewMail Example

  1. Creating the object
  2. Setting a few properties
  3. Calling the Send method

The following codes demonstrate how to use J-ASP NewMail in VBScript. 

	Set myMail = CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")  
	myMail.From = "Example@Microsoft.com"  
	myMail.To = "Someone@company.com"  
	myMail.Subject = "Sample Message"  
	myMail.Body = "This is a sample message."  
	myMail.UserName = "smtp user " 
	myMail.Password = "smtp password" 
	myMail.RemoteHost = "smtp host" 
	Set myMail = Nothing 

J-ASP will convert above ASP code into following JSP Code:

	jasp.smtp.NewMail mymail = null;
	mymail = new jasp.smtp.NewMail();
	mymail.setSubject("Sample Message");
	mymail.setBody("This is a sample message.");
	mymail.setUserName("smtp user ");
	mymail.setPassword("smtp password");
	mymail.setRemoteHost("smtp host");
	mymail = null; 

J-ASP NewMail Properties Supported

Property Supported
Bcc Yes
Body Yes
BordyFormat Yes
CC Yes
ContentBase Yes
ContentLocation Yes
From Yes
Importance Yes
MailFormat Yes
Subject Yes
To Yes
Value Yes
Version Yes (return "1.2")
UserName The User Name of SMTP Authenticator
Password The password of SMTP user
RemoteHost SMTP host , the default host is localhost.

J-ASP Mail Methods Supported

Method Supported
AttachFile Yes
AttachURL Yes
Send Yes
SetLocalIDS No