Class Recordset


public class Recordset
extends java.lang.Object

A Recordset object represents the entire set of records from a base table or the results of an executed command. At any time, the Recordset object refers to only a single record within the set as the current record.

Constructor Summary
          Constructs a Recordset object.
Method Summary
 void _xResync(int option)
          Refreshes the data in the current Recordset object from the underlying database.
 void AddNew()
          Creates a new empty record for an updatable Recordset object.
 void AddNew(variant fdlist, variant vallist)
          Creates a new record for an updatable Recordset object.
 void AssignProps()
 void Cancel()
          Cancels execution of a pending,asynchronous Execute or Open method call
 void CancelBatch()
          Cancels a pending batch update.
 void CancelBatch(variant affected)
          Cancels a pending batch update.
 void CancelUpdate()
          Cancels any changes made to the current record or to a new record prior to calling the Update method.
 java.lang.Object clone()
          Implements the clone method
 Recordset Clone()
          Creates a duplicate Recordset object from an existing Recordset object.
 Recordset Clone(int i)
          Creates a duplicate Recordset object from an existing Recordset object.
 void Close()
          Free all resource and set the state to closed.
 int CompareBookmarks(double variant, double variant1)
          Compares two bookmarks and returns an indication of their relative values.
 void Delete()
          Delete the currect record.
 void Delete(variant Affect)
          Deletes the affected records.
 void Find(java.lang.String s)
          Searches a Recordset for the record that satisfies the specified criteria.
 void Find(java.lang.String criteria, boolean matchcase)
          Searches a Recordset for the record that satisfies the specified criteria.
 void Find(java.lang.String criteria, int skip)
          Searches a Recordset for the record that satisfies the specified criteria.
 void Find(java.lang.String criteria, int skip, int direction)
          Searches a Recordset for the record that satisfies the specified criteria.
 void Find(java.lang.String criteria, int SkipNum, int Direction, double start)
          Searches a Recordset for the record that satisfies the specified criteria.
 void Find(java.lang.String criteria, int SkipNum, int Direction, double start, boolean matchcase)
          Searches a Recordset for the record that satisfies the specified criteria.
 void Find(java.lang.String criteria, int SkipNum, variant Direction, double start)
          Searches a Recordset for the record that satisfies the specified criteria.
 void Find(java.lang.String criteria, variant skip, int direction)
          Searches a Recordset for the record that satisfies the specifies criteria.
 void Find(java.lang.String criteria, variant SkipNum, int Direction, double start)
          Searches a Recordset for the record that satisfies the specified criteria.If the criteria is met, the recordset position is set on the found record;otherwise,the position is set the end of the recordset.
 void Find(java.lang.String criteria, variant SkipNum, variant Direction, double start)
          Searches a Recordset for the record that satisfies the specified criteria.
 int getAbsolutePage()
          Returns the page number that the current record resides
 int getAbsolutePosition()
          Returns the absolute position of currect record in a recordset object.
 Command getActiveCommand()
          Returns the active command.
 Connection getActiveConnection()
          The method returns the messages that Indicates to which Connection object the specified Command or Recordset object currently belongs.
 boolean getBOF()
          Returns boolean values that indicate whether the current record positing is before the first record in the Recordset object.
 double getBookmark()
          Returns the unique identifies for the currect record in a recordset object.
 int getCacheSize()
          Returns the number of records from a Recordset object that are cached locally in memory.
 int getCursorLocation()
          Indicates the location of the cursor engine.
 int getCursorType()
          Returns the CursoyType of the Recordset.
 int getEditMode()
          Returns the editing status of the current record.
 boolean getEOF()
          Returns boolean values that indicate whether the current record positing is the after last record in the Recordset object.
 Fields getFields()
          Returns the fields collection, the collection contains all field information.
 Field getFields(int idx)
          Gets a Field from the Fields collection.
 Field getFields(java.lang.String name)
          Gets a Field from the Fields collection.
 Field getFields(variant var)
          Gets a Field from the Fields collection.
 java.lang.String getFilter()
          Returns A filter for data in a Recordset.
 Field getItem(int idx)
          Gets a Field with specific index from the Fields collection.
 Field getItem(java.lang.String name)
          Gets a Field with specific name from the Fields collection.
 Field getItem(variant var)
          Gets a Field from the Fields collection.
 int getLockType()
          Returns the type of locks placed on records during editing .
 int getMarshalOptions()
          Retuens a integer value that records to be marshaled back to the server .
 int getMaxRecords()
          Returns a maximum number of records from query
 int getObjectState()
          Returns the object state of the current RecordSet.
 int getPageCount()
          Returns the number of pages in a recordset object
 int getPageSize()
          Returns the how many record in every page,defaut is 10
 Properties getProperties()
          Returns the Properties collection of the RecordSet.
 int getRecordCount()
          Returns the current number of records in a Recordset object.
 vbarray GetRows()
          Retrieves multiple records of a Recordset object into any array.
 vbarray GetRows(int Rows)
          Retrieves Rows records of a Recordset object into any array.
 vbarray GetRows(int Rows, double dbStart)
          Retrieves Rows records of a Recordset object into any array start with dbStart.
 variant GetRows(int Rows, double dbStart, variant fieldlist)
          Retrieves Rows records of a Recordset object into any array start with dbStart.
 variant GetRows(int Rows, variant dbStart, variant fieldlist)
          Retrieves Rows records of a Recordset object into any array start with dbStart.
 vbarray GetRows(variant Rows, double dbStart)
          Retrieves Rows records of a Recordset object into any array start with dbStart.
 variant GetRows(variant Rows, double dbStart, variant fieldlist)
          Retrieves multiple records of a Recordset object into any array.
 variant GetRows(variant Rows, variant dbStart, variant fieldlist)
          Retrieves Rows records of a Recordset object into any array start with dbStart.
 java.lang.String getSort()
          where each name is a Field in the Recordset, and is optionally followed by a blank and the keyword ASCENDING or DESCENDING, which specifies the field sort order.
 java.lang.String getSource()
          Returns the source for the data in a Recordset Object.
 int getState()
          Returns the State of the RecordSet object.
 int getStatus()
          Returns the status of the currect records.
 java.lang.String GetString()
          Returns the Recordset as a string.
 java.lang.String GetString(int adClipString)
          Returns the Recordset as a string.
 java.lang.String GetString(int adClipString, int NumRows)
          Returns the Recordset as a string.
 java.lang.String GetString(int adClipString, int NumRows, java.lang.String ColumnDelimiter)
          Returns the Recordset as a string.
 java.lang.String GetString(int adClipString, int NumRows, java.lang.String ColumnDelimiter, java.lang.String RowDelimiter)
          Returns the Recordset as a string.
 java.lang.String GetString(int adClipString, int NumRows, java.lang.String ColumnDelimiter, java.lang.String RowDelimiter, java.lang.String NullExpr)
          Returns the Recordset as a string.
 java.lang.String GetString(int adClipString, int NumRows, variant ColumnDelimiter, java.lang.String RowDelimiter)
          Returns the Recordset as a string.
 java.lang.String GetString(int adClipString, variant NumRows, java.lang.String ColumnDelimiter)
          Returns the Recordset as a string.
 java.lang.String GetString(int adClipString, variant NumRows, java.lang.String ColumnDelimiter, java.lang.String RowDelimiter)
          Returns the Recordset as a string.
 java.lang.String GetString(variant adClipString, int NumRows)
          Returns the Recordset as a string.
 java.lang.String GetString(variant adClipString, int NumRows, java.lang.String ColumnDelimiter)
          Returns the Recordset as a string.
 java.lang.String GetString(variant adClipString, int NumRows, java.lang.String ColumnDelimiter, java.lang.String RowDelimiter)
          Returns the Recordset as a string.
 java.lang.String GetString(variant adClipString, int NumRows, java.lang.String ColumnDelimiter, java.lang.String RowDelimiter, java.lang.String NullExpr)
          Returns the Recordset as a string.
 java.lang.String GetString(variant adClipString, variant NumRows, java.lang.String ColumnDelimiter)
          Returns the Recordset as a string.
 java.lang.String GetString(variant adClipString, variant NumRows, java.lang.String ColumnDelimiter, java.lang.String RowDelimiter)
          Returns the Recordset as a string.
 java.lang.String GetString(variant adClipString, variant NumRows, java.lang.String ColumnDelimiter, java.lang.String RowDelimiter, java.lang.String NullExpr)
          Returns the Recordset as a string.
 java.lang.String GetString(variant adClipString, variant NumRows, variant ColumnDelimiter, java.lang.String RowDelimiter, java.lang.String NullExpr)
          Returns the Recordset as a string.
 java.lang.String GetString(variant adClipString, variant NumRows, variant ColumnDelimiter, variant RowDelimiter, java.lang.String NullExpr)
          Returns the Recordset as a string.
 java.lang.String GetString(variant adClipString, variant NumRows, variant ColumnDelimiter, variant RowDelimiter, variant NullExpr)
          Returns the Recordset as a string.
 void Move(int NumRecords)
          Moves the position of the currect record in a recordset object
 void Move(int NumRecords, double start)
          From a specific a position Moves the position of the current record in a Recordset object.
 void MoveFirst()
          Moves to the first record in a specified Recordset object and makes that record the current record.
 void MoveLast()
          Moves to the last record in a specified Recordset object and makes that record the current record.
 void MoveNext()
          Moves to the next record in a specified Recordset object and makes that record the current record.
 void MovePrevious()
          Moves to the previous record in a specified Recordset object and makes that record the current record.
 Recordset NextRecordset()
          Clears the current Recordset object and returns the next Recordset by advancing through a series of commands.
 Recordset NextRecordset(variant RecordsAffected)
          Clears the current Recordset object and returns the next Recodset by advancing through a series of commands.
 void Open()
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(Command cmd)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(Command cmd, Connection conObject)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(Command cmd, Connection conObject, int cursortype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(Command cmd, Connection conObject, int cursortype, int locktype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(Command cmd, Connection con, int cursortype, int locktype, int option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(Command cmd, java.lang.String ConnectStr)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(Command cmd, java.lang.String ConnectStr, int cursortype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(Command cmd, java.lang.String ConnectStr, int cursortype, int locktype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(Command cmd, java.lang.String con, int cursortype, int locktype, int option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(Command cmd, variant ConnectStr, int cursortype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(Command cmd, variant conObject, int cursortype, int locktype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(Command cmd, variant con, int cursortype, int locktype, int option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(Command cmd, variant con, int cursortype, variant locktype, int option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(Command cmd, variant conObject, variant cursortype, int locktype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(Command cmd, variant con, variant cursortype, int locktype, int option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(Command cmd, variant con, variant cursortype, variant locktype, int option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(java.lang.String CommandText)
          opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(java.lang.String source, Connection conObject)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(java.lang.String source, Connection conObject, int cursortype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(java.lang.String source, Connection conObject, int cursortype, int locktype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(java.lang.String source, Connection con, int cursortype, int locktype, int option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(java.lang.String source, Connection ConnectStr, int cursortype, variant locktype, int option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(java.lang.String source, Connection conObject, variant cursortype, int locktype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(java.lang.String source, Connection ConnectStr, variant cursortype, variant locktype, int option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(java.lang.String source, java.lang.String ConnectStr)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(java.lang.String source, java.lang.String ConnectStr, int cursortype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(java.lang.String source, java.lang.String ConnectStr, int cursortype, int locktype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(java.lang.String source, java.lang.String ConnectStr, int cursortype, int locktype, int option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(java.lang.String source, java.lang.String conObject, int cursortype, variant locktype, int option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(java.lang.String source, java.lang.String con, variant cursortype, int locktype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(java.lang.String source, java.lang.String ConnectStr, variant cursortype, variant locktype, int option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(java.lang.String source, variant ConnectObj)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(java.lang.String source, variant ConnectObj, int cursortype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(java.lang.String source, variant con, int cursortype, int locktype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(java.lang.String source, variant ConnectStr, int cursortype, int locktype, int option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(java.lang.String source, variant ConnectStr, int cursortype, variant locktype, int option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(java.lang.String source, variant conObject, variant cursortype, int locktype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(java.lang.String source, variant ConnectStr, variant cursortype, int locktype, int option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(java.lang.String source, variant ConnectStr, variant cursortype, variant locktype, int option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(variant source, Connection conObject)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(variant source, Connection ConnectObj, int cursortype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(variant source, Connection conObject, int cursortype, int locktype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(variant source, Connection ConnectStr, int cursortype, int locktype, int option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(variant source, Connection ConnectStr, int cursortype, variant locktype, int option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(variant source, Connection conObject, variant cursortype, int locktype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(variant source, Connection ConnectStr, variant cursortype, variant locktype, int option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(variant source, java.lang.String ConnectStr)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(variant source, java.lang.String ConnectObj, int cursortype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(variant source, java.lang.String conObject, int cursortype, int locktype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(variant source, java.lang.String ConnectStr, int cursortype, int locktype, int option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(variant source, java.lang.String conObject, int cursortype, variant locktype, int Option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(variant source, java.lang.String conObject, variant cursortype, int locktype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(variant source, variant ConnectObj, int cursortype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(variant source, variant conObject, int cursortype, int locktype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(variant source, variant ConnectStr, int cursortype, int locktype, int option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(variant source, variant conObject, int cursortype, variant locktype, int Option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(variant source, variant conObject, variant cursortype, int locktype)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(variant source, variant ConnectStr, variant cursortype, int locktype, int option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 void Open(variant source, variant ConnectStr, variant cursortype, variant locktype, int option)
          Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
 Property Properties(int index)
          Gets a Property from the Properties collection.
 Property Properties(java.lang.String name)
          Gets a Property from the Properties collection.
 Property Properties(variant var)
          Gets a Property from the Properties collection.
 void Requery()
          Updates the data in a Recordset object by re-executing the query on which the object is based.
 void Requery(int i)
          Updates the data in a Recordset object by re-executing the query on which the object is based.
 void Resync()
          Refreshes the data in the current Recordset object from the underlying database
 void Resync(variant varoption)
          Refreshes the data in the current Recordset object from the underlying database
 void Resync(variant i, variant j)
          Refreshes the data in the current Recordset object from the underlying database
 void Save()
          Save the recordset to a file.
Note: Please set the the XML parser to the Classpath, for example: xmlparsev2.jar(Oracle XML Parser) or jaxp.jar.
 void Save(java.lang.String s)
          Saves the Recordset into a file.
 void Save(java.lang.String s, int i)
          Saves the Recordset into a file.
 void setAbsolutePage(int abspage)
          Indicates quick move currect record to specific page.
 void setAbsolutePosition(int absposition)
          Sets the absolute position.
Sets a int value from 1 to the number of records in the Recordset object (RecordCount).
 void setActiveConnection(Connection obj)
          Sets the active connection.
 void setActiveConnection(java.lang.String connectStr)
          Sets the active connection.
 void setBookmark(double bookmark)
          Sets the bookmark value for quick move curect record to specific position.
 void setCacheSize(int cachesize)
          Sets the number of records from a Recordset object that are cached locally in memory.
 void setCursorLocation(int cursorlocation)
          Sets the location of the cursor engine.
 void setCursorType(int cursortype)
          Set the Cursor type for query data from database
 void setFields(int index, boolean val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setFields(int index, double val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setFields(int index, float val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setFields(int index, int val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setFields(int index, long val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setFields(int index, short val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setFields(int index, java.lang.String val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setFields(int index, variant val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setFields(java.lang.String Name, boolean val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setFields(java.lang.String Name, double val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setFields(java.lang.String Name, float val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setFields(java.lang.String Name, int val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setFields(java.lang.String Name, long val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setFields(java.lang.String Name, short val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setFields(java.lang.String Name, java.lang.String val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setFields(java.lang.String Name, variant val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setFields(variant var, variant val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setFilter(int filter)
          Indicates a filter for data in a Recordset.
 void setFilter(java.lang.String filter)
          Indicates a filter for data in a Recordset.
 void setItem(int index, boolean val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setItem(int index, double val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setItem(int index, float val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setItem(int index, int val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setItem(int index, long val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setItem(int index, short val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setItem(int index, java.lang.String val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setItem(int index, variant val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setItem(java.lang.String Name, boolean val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setItem(java.lang.String Name, double val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setItem(java.lang.String Name, float val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setItem(java.lang.String Name, int val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setItem(java.lang.String Name, long val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setItem(java.lang.String Name, short val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setItem(java.lang.String Name, java.lang.String val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setItem(java.lang.String Name, variant val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setItem(variant var, variant val)
          Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
 void setLockType(int locktype)
          Sets the type of locks placed on records during editing.
 void setMarshalOptions(int state)
          Indicates which records to be marshaled back to the server.
 void setMaxRecords(int maxrd)
          Sets the MaxRecords property to maxrd.
 void setPageSize(int pagesize)
          Sets the how many record in every page
 void setSort(java.lang.String sort)
          Specifies one or more fild names the Recordset is sorted on, and whether each field is sorted in ascending or descending order .
 void setSource(java.lang.Object obj)
          Indicates the source for the data in a Recordset object(Command object, SQL statement,table name,or stored procedure).
 boolean Supports(int alngConstants)
          Determines whether a specified Recordset object supports a particular type of functionality.
 void Update()
          Saves any changes you make to the current record of a Recordset object.
 void Update(variant fdlist, variant vallist)
          Saves changes you make to the current record of a Recordset object.
 void UpdateBatch()
          If you are editing the current record or adding a new record when you call the UpdateBatch method, ADO will automatically call the Update method to save any pending changes to the current record before transmitting the batched changes to the provider.
 void UpdateBatch(variant Affect)
          If you are editing the current record or adding a new record when you call the UpdateBatch method, ADO will automatically call the Update method to save any pending changes to the current record before transmitting the batched changes to the provider.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Recordset()
Constructs a Recordset object.
Method Detail


public int getAbsolutePage()
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the page number that the current record resides


public void setAbsolutePage(int abspage)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Indicates quick move currect record to specific page.


public int getState()
Returns the State of the RecordSet object.


public double getBookmark()
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the unique identifies for the currect record in a recordset object.


public void setBookmark(double bookmark)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Sets the bookmark value for quick move curect record to specific position.


public int getCursorLocation()
Indicates the location of the cursor engine.


public void setCursorLocation(int cursorlocation)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Sets the location of the cursor engine.


public int getStatus()
              throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the status of the currect records.


public int getMaxRecords()
Returns a maximum number of records from query


public void setMaxRecords(int maxrd)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Sets the MaxRecords property to maxrd.


public java.lang.String GetString(int adClipString,
                                  int NumRows,
                                  java.lang.String ColumnDelimiter,
                                  java.lang.String RowDelimiter,
                                  java.lang.String NullExpr)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the Recordset as a string.
adClipString - Specifies that the Recordset should be converted to the following format.
  1. adClipString Rows are delimited by RowDelimiter,cloumns by ColumnDelimiter, and NULL values by NullExpr,These three parameters are valid only with adClipString.
NumRows - The number of rows in the recordset to convert.If NumRows is not specified, or if it is greater than the total number of rows in the recordset, then all the rows in the recordset are converted.
ColumnDelimiter - Delimiter used between columns if specified,otherwise the TAB character.
RowDelimiter - Delimiter used between rows if specified,otherwise the CARRIAGE RETURN character.
NullExpr - Expression used in place of a NULL value if specified,otherwise the empty string.
Returns the Recordset as a string.


public java.lang.String GetString(variant adClipString,
                                  variant NumRows,
                                  variant ColumnDelimiter,
                                  variant RowDelimiter,
                                  variant NullExpr)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the Recordset as a string.
adClipString - Specifies that the Recordset should be converted to the following format.
  1. adClipString Rows are delimited by RowDelimiter,cloumns by ColumnDelimiter, and NULL values by NullExpr,These three parameters are valid only with adClipString.
NumRows - The number of rows in the recordset to convert.If NumRows is not specified, or if it is greater than the total number of rows in the recordset, then all the rows in the recordset are converted.
ColumnDelimiter - Delimiter used between columns if specified,otherwise the TAB character.
RowDelimiter - Delimiter used between rows if specified,otherwise the CARRIAGE RETURN character.
NullExpr - Expression used in place of a NULL value if specified,otherwise the empty string.
Returns the Recordset as a string.


public java.lang.String GetString(variant adClipString,
                                  int NumRows,
                                  java.lang.String ColumnDelimiter,
                                  java.lang.String RowDelimiter,
                                  java.lang.String NullExpr)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the Recordset as a string.
adClipString - Specifies that the Recordset should be converted to the following format.
  1. adClipString Rows are delimited by RowDelimiter,cloumns by ColumnDelimiter, and NULL values by NullExpr,These three parameters are valid only with adClipString.
NumRows - The number of rows in the recordset to convert.If NumRows is not specified, or if it is greater than the total number of rows in the recordset, then all the rows in the recordset are converted.
ColumnDelimiter - Delimiter used between columns if specified,otherwise the TAB character.
RowDelimiter - Delimiter used between rows if specified,otherwise the CARRIAGE RETURN character.
NullExpr - Expression used in place of a NULL value if specified,otherwise the empty string.
Returns the Recordset as a string.


public java.lang.String GetString(variant adClipString,
                                  variant NumRows,
                                  java.lang.String ColumnDelimiter,
                                  java.lang.String RowDelimiter,
                                  java.lang.String NullExpr)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the Recordset as a string.
adClipString - Specifies that the Recordset should be converted to the following format.
  1. adClipString Rows are delimited by RowDelimiter,cloumns by ColumnDelimiter, and NULL values by NullExpr,These three parameters are valid only with adClipString.
NumRows - The number of rows in the recordset to convert.If NumRows is not specified, or if it is greater than the total number of rows in the recordset, then all the rows in the recordset are converted.
ColumnDelimiter - Delimiter used between columns if specified,otherwise the TAB character.
RowDelimiter - Delimiter used between rows if specified,otherwise the CARRIAGE RETURN character.
NullExpr - Expression used in place of a NULL value if specified,otherwise the empty string.
Returns the Recordset as a string.


public java.lang.String GetString(variant adClipString,
                                  variant NumRows,
                                  variant ColumnDelimiter,
                                  java.lang.String RowDelimiter,
                                  java.lang.String NullExpr)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the Recordset as a string.
adClipString - Specifies that the Recordset should be converted to the following format.
  1. adClipString Rows are delimited by RowDelimiter,cloumns by ColumnDelimiter, and NULL values by NullExpr,These three parameters are valid only with adClipString.
NumRows - The number of rows in the recordset to convert.If NumRows is not specified, or if it is greater than the total number of rows in the recordset, then all the rows in the recordset are converted.
ColumnDelimiter - Delimiter used between columns if specified,otherwise the TAB character.
RowDelimiter - Delimiter used between rows if specified,otherwise the CARRIAGE RETURN character.
NullExpr - Expression used in place of a NULL value if specified,otherwise the empty string.
Returns the Recordset as a string.


public java.lang.String GetString(variant adClipString,
                                  variant NumRows,
                                  variant ColumnDelimiter,
                                  variant RowDelimiter,
                                  java.lang.String NullExpr)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the Recordset as a string.
adClipString - Specifies that the Recordset should be converted to the following format.
  1. adClipString Rows are delimited by RowDelimiter,cloumns by ColumnDelimiter, and NULL values by NullExpr,These three parameters are valid only with adClipString.
NumRows - The number of rows in the recordset to convert.If NumRows is not specified, or if it is greater than the total number of rows in the recordset, then all the rows in the recordset are converted.
ColumnDelimiter - Delimiter used between columns if specified,otherwise the TAB character.
RowDelimiter - Delimiter used between rows if specified,otherwise the CARRIAGE RETURN character.
NullExpr - Expression used in place of a NULL value if specified,otherwise the empty string.
Returns the Recordset as a string.


public java.lang.String GetString(variant adClipString,
                                  variant NumRows,
                                  java.lang.String ColumnDelimiter,
                                  java.lang.String RowDelimiter)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the Recordset as a string.
See Also:


public java.lang.String GetString(int adClipString,
                                  int NumRows,
                                  java.lang.String ColumnDelimiter,
                                  java.lang.String RowDelimiter)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the Recordset as a string.
See Also:


public java.lang.String GetString(int adClipString,
                                  int NumRows,
                                  variant ColumnDelimiter,
                                  java.lang.String RowDelimiter)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the Recordset as a string.
See Also:


public java.lang.String GetString(variant adClipString,
                                  int NumRows,
                                  java.lang.String ColumnDelimiter,
                                  java.lang.String RowDelimiter)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the Recordset as a string.
See Also:


public java.lang.String GetString(int adClipString,
                                  variant NumRows,
                                  java.lang.String ColumnDelimiter,
                                  java.lang.String RowDelimiter)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the Recordset as a string.
See Also:


public java.lang.String GetString(variant adClipString,
                                  variant NumRows,
                                  java.lang.String ColumnDelimiter)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the Recordset as a string.
See Also:
GetString(int adClipString,int NumRows,String ColumnDelimiter ,String RowDelimiter,String NullExpr )


public java.lang.String GetString(int adClipString,
                                  int NumRows,
                                  java.lang.String ColumnDelimiter)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the Recordset as a string.
See Also:
GetString(int adClipString,int NumRows,String ColumnDelimiter ,String RowDelimiter,String NullExpr )


public java.lang.String GetString(int adClipString,
                                  variant NumRows,
                                  java.lang.String ColumnDelimiter)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the Recordset as a string.
See Also:
GetString(int adClipString,int NumRows,String ColumnDelimiter ,String RowDelimiter,String NullExpr )


public java.lang.String GetString(variant adClipString,
                                  int NumRows,
                                  java.lang.String ColumnDelimiter)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the Recordset as a string.
See Also:
GetString(int adClipString,int NumRows,String ColumnDelimiter ,String RowDelimiter,String NullExpr )


public java.lang.String GetString(variant adClipString,
                                  int NumRows)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the Recordset as a string.
See Also:
GetString(int adClipString,int NumRows,String ColumnDelimiter ,String RowDelimiter,String NullExpr )


public java.lang.String GetString(int adClipString,
                                  int NumRows)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the Recordset as a string.
See Also:
GetString(int adClipString,int NumRows,String ColumnDelimiter ,String RowDelimiter,String NullExpr )


public java.lang.String GetString()
                           throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the Recordset as a string.
See Also:
GetString(int adClipString,int NumRows,String ColumnDelimiter ,String RowDelimiter,String NullExpr )


public java.lang.String GetString(int adClipString)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the Recordset as a string.
See Also:
GetString(int adClipString,int NumRows,String ColumnDelimiter ,String RowDelimiter,String NullExpr )


public void Move(int NumRecords)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Moves the position of the currect record in a recordset object
NumRecords - A signed integer expression specifying the number of records the current record position moves.


public void Move(int NumRecords,
                 double start)
          throws java.lang.Exception
From a specific a position Moves the position of the current record in a Recordset object.
NumRecords - A signed integer expression specifying the number of records the current record position moves.
start - a double value that evaluates to a bookmark.


public boolean getBOF()
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns boolean values that indicate whether the current record positing is before the first record in the Recordset object.


public java.lang.String getSort()
where each name is a Field in the Recordset, and is optionally followed by a blank and the keyword ASCENDING or DESCENDING, which specifies the field sort order.
A String of comma-separated field names to sort on.


public void setSort(java.lang.String sort)
             throws java.lang.Exception
Specifies one or more fild names the Recordset is sorted on, and whether each field is sorted in ascending or descending order .
sort - a String of comma-separated field names to sort on, where each name is a Field in the Recordset, and is optionally followed by a blank and the keyword ASCENDING or DESCENDING, which specifies the field sort order.


public int CompareBookmarks(double variant,
                            double variant1)
                     throws java.lang.Exception
Compares two bookmarks and returns an indication of their relative values.
bk1 - The bookmark of the first row.
bk2 - The bookmark of the second row.
  1. adCompareLessThan The first bookmark is before the second.
  2. adCompareEqual The bookmarks are equal.
  3. adCompareGreaterThen The first bookmark is after the second.
  4. adCompareNotEqual The bookmarks are not equal and not ordered.
  5. adCompareNotComparable The bookmarks cannot be compared.
Returns a value that indicates the relative row position of two records represented by their bookmarks. The following values can be returned.


public void UpdateBatch()
                 throws java.lang.Exception
If you are editing the current record or adding a new record when you call the UpdateBatch method, ADO will automatically call the Update method to save any pending changes to the current record before transmitting the batched changes to the provider.


public void UpdateBatch(variant Affect)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
If you are editing the current record or adding a new record when you call the UpdateBatch method, ADO will automatically call the Update method to save any pending changes to the current record before transmitting the batched changes to the provider.
Affect - An AffectEnum value that determines how many records the UpdateBatch method will affect.


public int getCursorType()
Returns the CursoyType of the Recordset.


public void setCursorType(int cursortype)
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Set the Cursor type for query data from database


public java.lang.String getFilter()
Returns A filter for data in a Recordset.


public void setFilter(int filter)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Indicates a filter for data in a Recordset.


public void setFilter(java.lang.String filter)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Indicates a filter for data in a Recordset.


public void CancelBatch()
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Cancels a pending batch update.
See Also:


public void CancelBatch(variant affected)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Cancels a pending batch update.


public void Requery(int i)
             throws java.lang.Exception
Updates the data in a Recordset object by re-executing the query on which the object is based.
i - A bitmask indicating options affecting this operation.


public void Requery()
             throws java.lang.Exception
Updates the data in a Recordset object by re-executing the query on which the object is based.


public void MoveFirst()
               throws java.lang.Exception
Moves to the first record in a specified Recordset object and makes that record the current record.


public void MoveNext()
              throws java.lang.Exception
Moves to the next record in a specified Recordset object and makes that record the current record.


public void MoveLast()
              throws java.lang.Exception
Moves to the last record in a specified Recordset object and makes that record the current record.


public void MovePrevious()
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Moves to the previous record in a specified Recordset object and makes that record the current record.


public void Close()
           throws java.lang.Exception
Free all resource and set the state to closed.


public void _xResync(int option)
              throws java.lang.Exception
Refreshes the data in the current Recordset object from the underlying database. (UNSUPPORT)


public void Resync(variant i,
                   variant j)
            throws java.lang.Exception
Refreshes the data in the current Recordset object from the underlying database


public void Resync()
            throws java.lang.Exception
Refreshes the data in the current Recordset object from the underlying database


public void Resync(variant varoption)
            throws java.lang.Exception
Refreshes the data in the current Recordset object from the underlying database


public void Find(java.lang.String s)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Searches a Recordset for the record that satisfies the specified criteria. If the criteria is met,the recordset position is set on the found record,otherwise, the position is set on the end of the recordset.
See Also:
#Find(String s,int skiprecords,double options)


public void Find(java.lang.String criteria,
                 int skip)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Searches a Recordset for the record that satisfies the specified criteria.
See Also:
#Find(String s,int skiprecords,double options)


public void Find(java.lang.String criteria,
                 boolean matchcase)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Searches a Recordset for the record that satisfies the specified criteria.
See Also:
#Find(String s,int skiprecords,double options)


public void Find(java.lang.String criteria,
                 variant skip,
                 int direction)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Searches a Recordset for the record that satisfies the specifies criteria.
See Also:
Find(String s,int SkipNum,int options,double start)


public void Find(java.lang.String criteria,
                 int skip,
                 int direction)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Searches a Recordset for the record that satisfies the specified criteria.
See Also:
#Find(String s,int skiprecords,double options)


public void Find(java.lang.String criteria,
                 variant SkipNum,
                 int Direction,
                 double start)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Searches a Recordset for the record that satisfies the specified criteria.If the criteria is met, the recordset position is set on the found record;otherwise,the position is set the end of the recordset.
criteria - A string containing a statement that specifies the column name, comparison operator,and value to use the search.
SkipNum - An int value,whose default value is zero, that specifies the offset from the current row or Star bookmark to begin the search.
Direction - An SearchDirectionEnum value that specifies whether the search should begin on the current row or the next available row in the direction of the search.Its value can be adSearchForward or adSearchBackward.The search stops at the start or end of the recordset,depending on the value of options.
start - a double bookmark to use as the starting position for the search.


public void Find(java.lang.String criteria,
                 variant SkipNum,
                 variant Direction,
                 double start)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Searches a Recordset for the record that satisfies the specified criteria.
See Also:
#Find(String s,int skiprecords,double options)


public void Find(java.lang.String criteria,
                 int SkipNum,
                 variant Direction,
                 double start)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Searches a Recordset for the record that satisfies the specified criteria.
See Also:
#Find(String s,int skiprecords,double options)


public void Find(java.lang.String criteria,
                 int SkipNum,
                 int Direction,
                 double start)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Searches a Recordset for the record that satisfies the specified criteria.
See Also:
#Find(String s,int skiprecords,double options)


public void Find(java.lang.String criteria,
                 int SkipNum,
                 int Direction,
                 double start,
                 boolean matchcase)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Searches a Recordset for the record that satisfies the specified criteria.
See Also:
#Find(String s,int skiprecords,double options)


public Command getActiveCommand()
Returns the active command.


public boolean getEOF()
               throws java.lang.Exception
Returns boolean values that indicate whether the current record positing is the after last record in the Recordset object.


public Connection getActiveConnection()
                               throws java.lang.Exception
The method returns the messages that Indicates to which Connection object the specified Command or Recordset object currently belongs. Use the ActiveConnection property to determine the Connection object over which the specified Command object will execute or the specified Recordset will be opened .
a containing object the definition for a connection or a Connection object. Default is a Null object reference.


public void setActiveConnection(Connection obj)
                         throws java.lang.Exception
Sets the active connection.
db - A Connection Object
See Also:
setActiveConnection(String connectstring)


public void setActiveConnection(java.lang.String connectStr)
                         throws java.lang.Exception
Sets the active connection.


public int getPageSize()
Returns the how many record in every page,defaut is 10


public void setPageSize(int pagesize)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Sets the how many record in every page


public int getMarshalOptions()
Retuens a integer value that records to be marshaled back to the server .


public void setMarshalOptions(int state)
                       throws java.lang.Exception
Indicates which records to be marshaled back to the server.
state - Recordset current state.
ADOException - if state closed.


public int getLockType()
Returns the type of locks placed on records during editing .


public void setLockType(int locktype)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Sets the type of locks placed on records during editing.
  1. adLockReadOnly Default. Read-only?ayou cannot alter the data.
  2. adLockPessimistic Pessimistic locking . This release have unsupported the lock type .
  3. adLockOptimistic Optimistic locking, record by record?athe provider uses optimistic locking, locking records only when you call the Update method.
  4. adLockBatchOptimistic Optimistic batch updates?arequired for batch update mode as opposed to immediate update mode.
lock - one of the following LockTypeEnum values.


public void CancelUpdate()
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Cancels any changes made to the current record or to a new record prior to calling the Update method.


public void Save()
          throws java.lang.Exception
Save the recordset to a file.
Note: Please set the the XML parser to the Classpath, for example: xmlparsev2.jar(Oracle XML Parser) or jaxp.jar.


public void Save(java.lang.String s)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Saves the Recordset into a file.
s - the complete path name of the file where the Recordset is to be saved.


public void Save(java.lang.String s,
                 int i)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Saves the Recordset into a file.
s - the complete path name of the file where the Recordset is to be saved.
i - The format in which the Recordset is to be saved.


public void setSource(java.lang.Object obj)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Indicates the source for the data in a Recordset object(Command object, SQL statement,table name,or stored procedure).


public java.lang.String getSource()
Returns the source for the data in a Recordset Object.


public int getAbsolutePosition()
                        throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the absolute position of currect record in a recordset object.


public void setAbsolutePosition(int absposition)
                         throws java.lang.Exception
Sets the absolute position.
Sets a int value from 1 to the number of records in the Recordset object (RecordCount). Use the AbsolutePosition property to move to a record based on its ordinal position in the Recordset object, or to determine the ordinal position of the current record. The provider must support the appropriate functionality for this property to be available.
absposition - the number of AbsolutePosition.


public int getRecordCount()
                   throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the current number of records in a Recordset object.


public int getPageCount()
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the number of pages in a recordset object


public int getEditMode()
                throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the editing status of the current record.


public boolean Supports(int alngConstants)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Determines whether a specified Recordset object supports a particular type of functionality.
alngConstants - A long expression that consists of one or more the following CursorOptionEnum values.
  1. adAddNew You and the AddNew method to add new records.
  2. adApproxPosition You can read and set the AbsolutePosition and AbsolutePage properties.
  3. adBookmark You can use the BookMark property to gain access to specific records.
  4. adDelete You can use the Delete method to delete records.
  5. adMovePrevious You can use the MoveFirst and MovePrevious, and Move or getRows methods to move the current record position backward without requiring bookmarks.
  6. adResync You can update the cursor with the data visible in the underlying database, using the Resync mehtod.
  7. adUpdate You can use the Update method to modify existiog data.
  8. adUpdateBatch You can use batch updating(UpdataBatch or CancelBatch method) to transmit changes to the provider in groups.


public Fields getFields()
Returns the fields collection, the collection contains all field information.


public Recordset Clone(int i)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Creates a duplicate Recordset object from an existing Recordset object. Optionally, specifies that the clone be read-only.
i - A LockTypeEnum value that specifies either the lock type of the original Recordset, or a read-only Recordset.
a RecordSet.


public Recordset Clone()
                throws java.lang.Exception
Creates a duplicate Recordset object from an existing Recordset object. Optionally, specifies that the clone be read-only.
a RecordSet.


public java.lang.Object clone()
Implements the clone method


public int getCacheSize()
Returns the number of records from a Recordset object that are cached locally in memory.


public void setCacheSize(int cachesize)
                  throws java.lang.Exception
Sets the number of records from a Recordset object that are cached locally in memory. cachesize must be greater than 0
cachesize - the cache size.


public void Delete()
            throws java.lang.Exception
Delete the currect record.


public void Delete(variant Affect)
            throws java.lang.Exception
Deletes the affected records.
AffectRecords - the affected records to be deleted.


public void Cancel()
            throws java.lang.Exception
Cancels execution of a pending,asynchronous Execute or Open method call


public void Open()
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(java.lang.String CommandText)
          throws java.lang.Exception
opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
CommandText - A String that evaluates to a valid Command object variable name, an SQL statement, a table name, a stored procedure call, or the file name of a persisted Recordset.
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(Command cmd)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
cmd - a command object
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(java.lang.String source,
                 java.lang.String ConnectStr)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
source - a string value
ConnectStr - a string value
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(variant source,
                 java.lang.String ConnectStr)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(java.lang.String source,
                 Connection conObject)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
source - a string value
conObject - a Connection object
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(variant source,
                 Connection conObject)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(Command cmd,
                 java.lang.String ConnectStr)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
cms - a Command Object
ConnectStr - a string value
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(Command cmd,
                 Connection conObject)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
cms - a Command Object
conObject - a Connection Object
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(java.lang.String source,
                 java.lang.String ConnectStr,
                 int cursortype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
source - a string value
ConnectStr - a string value
cursortype - a int value
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(variant source,
                 variant ConnectObj,
                 int cursortype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(variant source,
                 Connection ConnectObj,
                 int cursortype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(variant source,
                 java.lang.String ConnectObj,
                 int cursortype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(java.lang.String source,
                 variant ConnectObj)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(java.lang.String source,
                 variant ConnectObj,
                 int cursortype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(java.lang.String source,
                 Connection conObject,
                 int cursortype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
source - a string value
conObject - a Connection object
cursortype - a int value
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(Command cmd,
                 java.lang.String ConnectStr,
                 int cursortype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
cmd - a Command object
ConnectStr - a string value
cursortype - a int value
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(Command cmd,
                 variant ConnectStr,
                 int cursortype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(Command cmd,
                 Connection conObject,
                 int cursortype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
cmd - a Command object
Connection - a Connection object
cursortype - a int value
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(Command cmd,
                 Connection conObject,
                 int cursortype,
                 int locktype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
cmd - a Command object
Connection - a Connection object
cursortype - a int value
locktype - a int value
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(Command cmd,
                 variant conObject,
                 int cursortype,
                 int locktype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(Command cmd,
                 variant conObject,
                 variant cursortype,
                 int locktype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(Command cmd,
                 java.lang.String ConnectStr,
                 int cursortype,
                 int locktype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
cmd - a Command object
ConnectStr - a string value
cursortype - a int value
locktype - a int value
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(java.lang.String source,
                 Connection conObject,
                 int cursortype,
                 int locktype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
source - a string value
conObject - a Connection object
cursortype - a int value
locktype - a int value
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(java.lang.String source,
                 variant con,
                 int cursortype,
                 int locktype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(java.lang.String source,
                 java.lang.String con,
                 variant cursortype,
                 int locktype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(variant source,
                 java.lang.String conObject,
                 int cursortype,
                 int locktype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(variant source,
                 java.lang.String conObject,
                 variant cursortype,
                 int locktype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(variant source,
                 variant conObject,
                 variant cursortype,
                 int locktype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(variant source,
                 variant conObject,
                 int cursortype,
                 int locktype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(variant source,
                 Connection conObject,
                 int cursortype,
                 int locktype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(java.lang.String source,
                 Connection conObject,
                 variant cursortype,
                 int locktype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(java.lang.String source,
                 java.lang.String conObject,
                 int cursortype,
                 variant locktype,
                 int option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(java.lang.String source,
                 variant conObject,
                 variant cursortype,
                 int locktype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(variant source,
                 java.lang.String conObject,
                 int cursortype,
                 variant locktype,
                 int Option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(variant source,
                 variant conObject,
                 int cursortype,
                 variant locktype,
                 int Option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(variant source,
                 Connection conObject,
                 variant cursortype,
                 int locktype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(java.lang.String source,
                 java.lang.String ConnectStr,
                 int cursortype,
                 int locktype)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
source - a string value
ConnectStr - a string value
cursortype - a int value
locktype - a int value
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(java.lang.String source,
                 java.lang.String ConnectStr,
                 int cursortype,
                 int locktype,
                 int option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
source - a string value
ConnectStr - a string value
cursortype - a int value
locktype - a int value
option - a int value
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(variant source,
                 variant ConnectStr,
                 variant cursortype,
                 variant locktype,
                 int option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(variant source,
                 variant ConnectStr,
                 variant cursortype,
                 int locktype,
                 int option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(variant source,
                 variant ConnectStr,
                 int cursortype,
                 int locktype,
                 int option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(variant source,
                 java.lang.String ConnectStr,
                 int cursortype,
                 int locktype,
                 int option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(java.lang.String source,
                 variant ConnectStr,
                 int cursortype,
                 int locktype,
                 int option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(java.lang.String source,
                 variant ConnectStr,
                 variant cursortype,
                 int locktype,
                 int option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(java.lang.String source,
                 variant ConnectStr,
                 variant cursortype,
                 variant locktype,
                 int option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(java.lang.String source,
                 java.lang.String ConnectStr,
                 variant cursortype,
                 variant locktype,
                 int option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(java.lang.String source,
                 Connection ConnectStr,
                 variant cursortype,
                 variant locktype,
                 int option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(variant source,
                 Connection ConnectStr,
                 int cursortype,
                 int locktype,
                 int option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(java.lang.String source,
                 Connection ConnectStr,
                 int cursortype,
                 variant locktype,
                 int option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(variant source,
                 Connection ConnectStr,
                 int cursortype,
                 variant locktype,
                 int option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(variant source,
                 Connection ConnectStr,
                 variant cursortype,
                 variant locktype,
                 int option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(java.lang.String source,
                 variant ConnectStr,
                 int cursortype,
                 variant locktype,
                 int option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(Command cmd,
                 Connection con,
                 int cursortype,
                 int locktype,
                 int option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
cmd - a Command object
con - a Connection Object
cursortype - a int value
locktype - a int value
option - a int value
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(Command cmd,
                 variant con,
                 int cursortype,
                 int locktype,
                 int option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(Command cmd,
                 variant con,
                 variant cursortype,
                 int locktype,
                 int option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(Command cmd,
                 variant con,
                 variant cursortype,
                 variant locktype,
                 int option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(Command cmd,
                 variant con,
                 int cursortype,
                 variant locktype,
                 int option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(Command cmd,
                 java.lang.String con,
                 int cursortype,
                 int locktype,
                 int option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
cmd - a Command object
con - a string value
cursortype - a int value
locktype - a int value
option - a int value
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void Open(java.lang.String source,
                 Connection con,
                 int cursortype,
                 int locktype,
                 int option)
          throws java.lang.Exception
Opens a cursor that represents records from a base table, the results of a query, or a previously saved Recordset
source - a String value
con - a string value
cursortype - a int value
locktype - a int value
option - a int value
See Also:
Open(String source,Connection con,int cursortype,int locktype,int option)


public void AddNew()
            throws java.lang.Exception
Creates a new empty record for an updatable Recordset object.


public void AddNew(variant fdlist,
                   variant vallist)
            throws java.lang.Exception
Creates a new record for an updatable Recordset object.
fieldlist - A single name or an array of names or ordinal positions of the fields in the new record.
vallist - A single value or an array of values for the fields in the new record. If Fields is an array, Values must also be an array with the same number of members; otherwise, an error occurs. The order of field names must match the order of field values in each array.


public void Update(variant fdlist,
                   variant vallist)
            throws java.lang.Exception
Saves changes you make to the current record of a Recordset object.
fieldlist - A Variant representing a single name or a Variant array representing names or ordinal positions of the field or fields you wish to modify.
vallist - A Variant representing a single value or a Variant array representing values for the field or fields in the new record.


public void Update()
            throws java.lang.Exception
Saves any changes you make to the current record of a Recordset object.


public Recordset NextRecordset()
                        throws java.lang.Exception
Clears the current Recordset object and returns the next Recordset by advancing through a series of commands.
See Also:
#NextRecordSet(variant RecordsAffected )


public Recordset NextRecordset(variant RecordsAffected)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
Clears the current Recordset object and returns the next Recodset by advancing through a series of commands.
RecordsAffected - a variable to which the provide returns the number of records that the current operation affected.
a Recordset object


public vbarray GetRows()
                throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves multiple records of a Recordset object into any array.
a vbarray
See Also:
GetRows(int num)


public vbarray GetRows(int Rows)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves Rows records of a Recordset object into any array.
Rows - a int value
a vbarray
See Also:
#GetRows(int num,int start)


public vbarray GetRows(variant Rows,
                       double dbStart)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves Rows records of a Recordset object into any array start with dbStart.
Rows - a int value
dbStart - a double value
a vbarray
See Also:
GetRows(int num)


public vbarray GetRows(int Rows,
                       double dbStart)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves Rows records of a Recordset object into any array start with dbStart.
See Also:
#GetRows(int num , int start)


public variant GetRows(variant Rows,
                       double dbStart,
                       variant fieldlist)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves multiple records of a Recordset object into any array.
Rows - a long expression indicating the number of records to retrieve.
dbStart - a string or variant that evaluates to the bookmark for the record from which the getrows operation should begin.You can also use one of the following BookmarkEnum values.
fieldlist - a variant representing a single field name or ordianl position or an array of field names or ordinal position numbers,ADO returns only the data in these fields.
  1. adBookmarkCurrent Start at the current record.
  2. adBookmarkFirst Start at the first record.
  3. adBookmarkLast Start at the last record.
returns a two-dimensional array.


public variant GetRows(variant Rows,
                       variant dbStart,
                       variant fieldlist)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves Rows records of a Recordset object into any array start with dbStart.
See Also:
#GetRows(int num , int start)


public variant GetRows(int Rows,
                       variant dbStart,
                       variant fieldlist)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves Rows records of a Recordset object into any array start with dbStart.
See Also:
#GetRows(int num , int start)


public variant GetRows(int Rows,
                       double dbStart,
                       variant fieldlist)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Retrieves Rows records of a Recordset object into any array start with dbStart.
See Also:
#GetRows(int num , int start)


public Field getItem(int idx)
              throws java.lang.Exception
Gets a Field with specific index from the Fields collection.
idx - the index of the Field.
a Filed.


public Field getItem(java.lang.String name)
              throws java.lang.Exception
Gets a Field with specific name from the Fields collection.
name - the name of the Field.
a Filed.


public Field getItem(variant var)
              throws java.lang.Exception
Gets a Field from the Fields collection.
var - the index or name of the Field.
a Filed.


public void setItem(variant var,
                    variant val)
             throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
var - the index or name of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setItem(int index,
                    variant val)
             throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
index - the index of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setItem(int index,
                    int val)
             throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
index - the index of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setItem(int index,
                    java.lang.String val)
             throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
index - the index of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setItem(int index,
                    double val)
             throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
index - the index of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setItem(int index,
                    float val)
             throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
index - the index of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setItem(int index,
                    boolean val)
             throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
index - the index of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setItem(int index,
                    short val)
             throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
index - the index of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setItem(int index,
                    long val)
             throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
index - the index of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setItem(java.lang.String Name,
                    variant val)
             throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
Name - the name of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setItem(java.lang.String Name,
                    int val)
             throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
Name - the name of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setItem(java.lang.String Name,
                    java.lang.String val)
             throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
Name - the name of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setItem(java.lang.String Name,
                    double val)
             throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
Name - the name of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setItem(java.lang.String Name,
                    float val)
             throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
Name - the name of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setItem(java.lang.String Name,
                    boolean val)
             throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
Name - the name of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setItem(java.lang.String Name,
                    short val)
             throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
Name - the name of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setItem(java.lang.String Name,
                    long val)
             throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
Name - the name of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setFields(int index,
                      variant val)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
index - the index of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setFields(int index,
                      int val)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
index - the index of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setFields(int index,
                      java.lang.String val)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
index - the index of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setFields(int index,
                      double val)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
index - the index of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setFields(int index,
                      float val)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
index - the index of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setFields(int index,
                      boolean val)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
index - the index of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setFields(int index,
                      short val)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
index - the index of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setFields(int index,
                      long val)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
index - the index of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setFields(variant var,
                      variant val)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
var - the index or name of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setFields(java.lang.String Name,
                      variant val)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
Name - the name of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setFields(java.lang.String Name,
                      int val)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
Name - the name of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setFields(java.lang.String Name,
                      java.lang.String val)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
Name - the name of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setFields(java.lang.String Name,
                      double val)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
Name - the name of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setFields(java.lang.String Name,
                      float val)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
Name - the name of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setFields(java.lang.String Name,
                      boolean val)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
Name - the name of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setFields(java.lang.String Name,
                      short val)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
Name - the name of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public void setFields(java.lang.String Name,
                      long val)
               throws java.lang.Exception
Sets a Field value in the Fields collection.
Name - the name of the Field.
val - the new value of the field.


public Field getFields(variant var)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Gets a Field from the Fields collection.
var - the name or index of the Field.
a Field.


public Field getFields(int idx)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Gets a Field from the Fields collection.
idx - the index of the Field.
a Field.


public Field getFields(java.lang.String name)
                throws java.lang.Exception
Gets a Field from the Fields collection.
name - the name of the Field.
a Field.


public Properties getProperties()
                         throws java.lang.Exception
Returns the Properties collection of the RecordSet.


public int getObjectState()
Returns the object state of the current RecordSet.


public void AssignProps()
                 throws java.lang.Exception


public Property Properties(variant var)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Gets a Property from the Properties collection.
var - the name or index of the Property.
a Property.


public Property Properties(int index)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Gets a Property from the Properties collection.
index - the index of the Property.
a Property.


public Property Properties(java.lang.String name)
                    throws java.lang.Exception
Gets a Property from the Properties collection.
name - the name of the Property.
a Property.